Thursday, August 15, 2024

What is punk?

     Let me first start out by disclaiming any authority on what defines something as being "punk" or not. I am highly unqualified to draw those boundaries, so your lines won't match up with the ones I'm drawing out here.

    OK, now that we've got that established, what defines something as being "punk"? I'm obviously going to move beyond the definitions of punk music, as I believe it sets up more than just music, but we'll start there.

    I am definitely as Punk as someone like Herny Rollins, the band Black Flag, or some of their biggest fans, like, for example, Wil Wheaton. I think we could all agree on that. If they saw me walk into a room of punk fans who've gathered together to enjoy the thing they love so much, they probably would not let me in, and I'm OK with that. I might not be comfortable in tht room either.

    But then I look around at all the people I've been lucky enough to consider friends (and who consider me to be their friend), and I think I'm fairly punk (relatively speaking). They have their preferences for music, art, attitude, etc. I'm not going to be able to convince them that they abandon those things. And I doubt they'd expect me to do the same. If they did, then perhaps I need to reevaluate them as friends (again, I'm not trying to judge anyone here as being good enough, but I'd like to think I'm grown up enough to know and accept that people change as the years roll by, and I know there isn't anything I can do about it, so I'll just accept that (which, relatively speaking, may not be very punk)).

    Perhaps we're look at too big of a picture at this moment, so let's narrow it down a bit, for the purposes of this exercise. There are number of bands who I think most everyone would consider to be "punk". One of the most obvious would be Green Day. And we'll lump some bands in with them, for argument's sake. For now, we'll throw Sum 41, Beastie Boys (although they embraced rap in the '90s and made a successful pivot to it from punk, they definitely embody the attitiude required to qualify as punk), blink-182, Bowling for Soup, The Dollyrots, The Donnas (sure, they were embracing '80s heavy metal towards the end of their careers as a band, but again, they had the attitude expected of a punk operation), Foo Fighters (definitely not all that punk, but again, Dave Grohl carries the swagger of a punk musical artist), Good Charlotte (definitely anti-authoritarian, at least), No Doubt (before Gwen Stefani went out on her own as a solo artist), The Offspring, and Reel Big Fish (ska is, in my opinion, an extension of the punk sound and attitude) into the category of "Punk".

    All of these groups, in my opinion, are quality musicians. If you told me that any of them were playing a show, and you wanted my input to be the deciding factor on whether we would go or not, I'd be like "yeah, let's go" (though, if you're punk, you don't need my blessing to go to the show, which is the beauty of the situation here). Now, are they all punk? Well, they check enough of the boxes on my list to qualify. They passed the "Fritz" test of being punk. Sure, not everyone would agree that they are all punk, and that's OK. What might be right for you, may not be for others. We've all got standards, and I don't expect you to conform to mine, nor should you expect me to conform to yours.

    Now, as compared to my other friends? I think I'm punk. Some of my friends prefer '80s hair metal. They have the attitude of "fuck you, I'm going to have a good time", and while that's commendable, they aren't as punk as I am. Others, like modern hard rock, which have a good sharp edge to them, but since they set the standard for rock and roll, that's not exactly punk. They don't go against the grain. I am alone. I am a I-I-I-island. They could try to keep up with me, but I think if I put together a playlist of the bands I thought were punk and played it on an infinite loop, I would not tire of it.

    If you want to help me broaden my mind and expose me to groups that are more punk than what I listed, I'll give it a shot. I might like it. But if I don't, and you insist on me listening to it, I may reject your standards and form my own. Because what's more punk than than?

    And if you have a problem with that? Then maybe you're punk as well. Welcome aboard.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Do the right thing.

Vikings fans,

If you want Minnesota to get rid of Chris Kluwe because he is a sub-standard football player, fine.  I think he's a good punter and he did a great job as a holder for rookie kicker Blair Walsh this season.  The Vikes went 10-6 and made the playoffs because every single guy on that team did his job well.

If you want Minnesota to get rid of Chris Kluwe because he is overpaid, fine.  He only made $1.3 million last year, while the minimum NFL salary is $405K for a rookie and $840K for someone with Kluwe's 9 years of experience, and the Vikes have more than five million in cap space for 2013.  I think they can afford him for one more season.

If you want Minnesota to get rid of Chris Kluwe because he has the balls to speak his mind and fight for the LGBTQ to have all the same rights as he does, especially the right to marry, go to hell.  The guy is not some sort of basket case, like Randy Moss was, and the Vikings brought HIM back.  Kluwe's only crime here is that the guy is a decent human being.

And if you're one of those bigots crying foul over NBA center Jason Collins, who just came out of the closet, making him the first openly gay man in the four major North American professional sports, I really hope your god shows you the same love and mercy that you should be showing for all people on this earth.

Zygi Wilf, Rick Spielman, Leslie Frazer, whatever you do, it better be for the right reasons.  Because if you do not do the right thing, you'll lose me as a potential fan.


Friday, March 29, 2013

Just keep it to yourself

OK, yeah, the #2 seeded University of Minnesota Golden Gophers Men's Hockey team got beat by #15 Yale today in the NCAA playoffs.  But for you North Dakota fans, here are a few things to keep in mind while you're celebrating...

First of all, being my friend is not a right.  IT'S A PRIVILEGE.  If you want to brag about Minnesota's shortcomings, keep it on your Facebook wall and off mine.  I would not do the same if the situation was reversed.  Sure, I'd brag on my page, but it's MY page.  I can do that.  If you can't respect this, then you can't be my friend anymore.

Second, do you know how bad this makes you?  Trolling for hate by poking at the bear like that?  Contrary to popular belief, Facebook IS NOT a public forum, especially the little tiny corner of it that is mine.  But if you think it should be, then you better follow Wheaton's law:  DON'T BE A DICK.  Well said, Mr. Crusher.

Now, I know at this point, some of you might be saying, "Geez, Paul, lighten up.  It's only a game/sport."  Hypocrite.  If it was only a game, why are YOU getting so excited about it.  Sports, along with pretty much every other media outlet, be it television, movies, music, books...  They exist in part to allow us to escape from the real world, even if it's only temporarily.  I'm sure every person on this earth who is fortunate enough to live in a society like ours has bitched at least ONCE about some plot twist, some re-imaging, some THING that disrupts their idyllic fantasy world in a way that is most unpleasent.  You know you have, and denying it just makes you look even more guilty of it.

But hey, if you want to pat yourselves on the back, even though UND hasn't WON anything (yet), by all means, go ahead and stroke it.  Just don't be coming all over me, you sick perverts.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What in the World (of Warcraft)...?

Yes, the rumors were true, I had been playing World of Warcraft again.


I pulled the trigger on a 10-day free trial, and you know what I found out? Blizzard put the game on easy mode.

It was not tough to do quests, because they show you where to go on the map and who to kill to complete them. Dungeons required no effort, because they show where each boss is, and you can constantly pull enemies into combat. It cut the time of a crawl down from 120 minutes to 20 minutes. Leveing up is cake too, because now you get experience from picking herbs and mining for ore.

It's disgusting. When I first played WoW, it required a lot of effort to get tuned up to go to the Molten Core. Now? I bet my four-year-old nephew could get up to level 90 in a matter of hours.

I think, with no proof once so ever, Blizz caved into the whiners (Lerrilin) who wanted to access ALL the game content that came with their $15 monthly subscription. Goddamn millenials and their sense of entitlement...

Sorry, Clint, Chris, and Cynthia, but I'm not coming back on a permanent basis. I just don't think it's worth it. Besides, I've got more important stuff to do. My girlfriend is moving in with me, I'm applying to the MBA program at the University of Minnesota, and I've got some team to cheer for.

I love you guys, and I want to come back to play with you again, because I feel I've got some unfinished business to take care of in Azeroth. But right now? I've got some real-life quests to complete...

Friday, September 7, 2012

That was ALLLLLLLLLLLL me...

President Obama, I am better off than I was four years ago, but not because of you.

I earned my promotion at John Deere two years ago.  I put in the time and effort to get noticed by the bigwigs, and they rewarded me for my hard work.

And if you think I'm earning more because of your policies, your laws, your presidency, prove it to me.  Show me what you did that help me out here.  The burden of proof is on you here buddy.

I am better of than I was four years ago.  But corelation does not mean causation.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

If you build it, they will come

Why haven't CBS and Viacom created a Star Trek television channel?  I mean, if the WWE can create their own channel with all their original programming...  Each major sports leage now has their own network... FUCK, even MTV is still on the air, and that DETRACTS from American society.

It wouldn't be that hard to fill up a schedule using just the five TV series and 11 feature films.  Take a look:
That's 736 hours of Star Trek (including commericals), enough to last you more than 30 days of 24-hour coverage.  Throw in some specials, like Beyond the Final Frontier.

And you don't have to air everything in chronological or production order.  Think of how many marathons you can do, tying episodes together.  Q episodes, Worf episodes, Borg episodes, time travel episodes.  30-40 major cast members amongst the five series, air a block of epsiodes featuring each character they play on their birthdays.

Hey, the jocks have their TV networks.  So do musicians, history buffs, kids.  You name it, there's at least one channel targetted towards a very specific demographic.  And nobody is currently airing DS9 or Voyager, and I barely see TNG on cable these days (a couple episodes on SyFy and BBC America per week).  If you build it, they will come.  From every quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy, we'll tune in, and we will enjoy it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is it over yet?

Good lord, how many more of these Twilight movies are they going to make?  I'd be way more interested in them if Ashley Greene was the star, and she was running around dressed like this:

Source: Sports Illustrated 2010 Swimsuit issue

But seriously, there was one good Twilight movie.  You can never go wrong with a Reese Witherspoon topless scene.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What's a guy to do?!?!

I know I'm going to regret asking this, but has been boggling my mind for the last couple of months...

Ladies, do you know of any woman who agreed to have sex with a guy after he asked her to? (No details necessary, just a simple yes/no answer will suffice.)

It seems to go against everything I believe to be true about the male-female relationship model. I'm used to working for it. Be a nice guy, do some sweet talking, treat a women right, buy her a few things, and wait for her to be ready.

What's worse, it seems like it's a double-edged sword. If I ask a woman to sleep with me, she may get upset for thinking she's easy. But if I don't, I'd be accused of thinking that woman doesn't enjoy sex.

Can someone explain to me how this actually works? I mean, I know the best way is to find out for myself and do it. And I got nothing to lose. But just can't make up my mind.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Where's my iPhone?

So, I have a classic 80 GB iPod (6th Gen), a Windows Mobile 6 Samsung SCH-i760 smartphone, and an original 16 GB iPad.

I'm starting hate Apple these days. Mostly becuase I'm responsible for managing them at John Deere, and they keep neglecting the business market in favor of personal consumers. But they'll screwing me over on that side as well.

My cell phone is nearly three years old and up for replacement. But I'm still waiting for Apple to release an iPhone with sufficient hardware capabilities. I want an iPhone that replaces both my cell phone AND my iPod. That means at least 128 GB of storage.

"Dude, just use the cloud." No. Besides the security concerns I have with opening up my data to the outside world, I don't want to PAY to store and access my own data.

"DUDE, YOU BOUGHT AN iPAD!!" That's besides the point. I bought a refurbished, bottom-of-the-line, previous version of Apple's famed tablet device TO REPLACE MY LAPTOP, after the AC adapter port broke on it. The $349 was cheaper than $600-900 for a new laptop, especially when all I'm using it for is Facebook/Twitter/web surfing from my couch or on the road.

So, back to the iPhone thing: I have over 7400 songs on my iPod, taking up 52 GB of disk space. Apple would charge me $100 a year to put all that music (up to 55 GB) in their iCloud. Amazon offers 100 GB at the same yearly rate. Not to mention what a service plan from a cell provider would charge me for streaming all that data (I listen to my iPod about 6-8 hours a day).

I am grandfathered in with Verizon's unlimited data plan, but I'd STILL have to get a newer phone, because the software to use either cloud on my 4+ year old dinosaur WM6 phone doesn't exist.

So, until Steve Jobs and Tim Cook release the type of iPhone I want, I'm not upgrading. I'll use the money I'd save from the cloud for a higher-end, larger capacity, and probably more expensive cell phone/MP3 player, only paying for the single upgrade and the ability to carry one fewer device with me when I leave the house. #WorthIt
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