Monday, February 10, 2025

Can you do it?

 I’m dusting off the ol’ blog to post some personal insights and views to share with whomever *MIGHT* be reading.  Here’s one I wrote last summer:

Between all the recent celebrations of diversity and the great things life has delivered to us, between the Juneteenth and Negro Leagues Baseball and Pride events, I will continue to do what I can to help share their wonderful contributions to this world.

In my eyes, if you can do the job, then you are welcome on my team.  If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and learn how to be of assistance, I’ll gladly teach you.

Skin color, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity?  Details.  If you’d like me to celebrate it with you, I’ll do my best.  And please let know if I’m not doing it right.  I’m sure I still have a lot to learn.

A rising tide lifts all boats.  Let’s get on board and set out for adventure.

Even though I’ve been going through life on one of the easier difficulty settings (straight white male, but not *THE* easiest, as I’ve never been an obscenely rich white male) it hasn’t been *THAT* easy.

After I turned nine (9), people had a problem with who I was, and most of them felt the need to try to constantly tear me down for their own entertainment.

Fuck those assholes.  I hope karma comes around to bite them on the ass so hard they have to be put on a waiting list for a new buttocks transplant.

In the words of Elton John, “I’m still standin’ better than I ever did.  Looking like a true survivor.  Feelin’ like a little kid.  And I’m still standin’ after all this time.  Pickin’ up the pieces of my life without you on my mind.”

Although you are still on my mind.  I’m using it as the inspiration for a fictional story I’m writing.

If, by some incredible miracle, I make some money off it, I’ll buy a plane ticket for you TO COME KISS MY FUCKING ASS!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

So, at the beginning of their journeys, Professor Oak gives “Red” Ash Ketchum and Gary “Blue” Oak a Pokédex each, with data about all 149 known species of Pokemon known to exist in the Kanto region. But the data on those devices is locked behind a system that somehow senses the Pokemon they each had caught AND seen, with no apparent explanation (to my knowledge) how THE DEVICE knows.

I know it's a video game (and a anime cartoon based on it), which because a new cornerstone to the Nintendo empire that's been pretty much killing it in the video game industry since the early 1980's, so you should take it with a grain of salt, but it is a valid question.

If you've watched the anime and know the explanation for such a GAPING plot hole, please let me know if a video clip exists somewhere to fill in that hole.

Anyway, if I had a similar device with cell phone like capability that automatically unlocks data about magic animals that are electronically stored in tiny little colorful balls, years before the actual technology exists...

I suppose that's something we have "Star Trek: The Next Generation" to thank for.  Thanks to that future focused show, they had characters hanging out and enjoying down time in a virtual reality where technology could do shit that we could only DREAM about...

Yes, I'm putting too much thought into this.  And yes, I'm probably not the first person to wonder about this.  I'm sure Nintendo is cool with us discussing this, as they get to reap the rewards.  "Some dude is talking about our multibillion dollar franchise on a blog?  And he's been a loyal customer for thirty-five years?  Sure, we're cool with it."

Don't expect me to start eating mushrooms or climbing down green pipes...

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