Saturday, July 14, 2007

So, Trojan Condoms has been running a new commercial (maybe the first in a series), advertising their product with the tagline "Evolve."

Now, I'm no expert here, for I am neither a medical professional, nor a biologist, nor intimately familiar with the inner workings of the human female, but I would think that Trojans are counterproductive to the act of evolution...


Alex said...

I get the satire ; ). Considering that so many people choose to have unprotected sex, I think the intent is for an "evolution of thought", rather than an "evolution of biology". The biological definition of evolution would even cause my own blog title to be misconstrued.

PFritz21 said...

Yes, you are correct. If you visit the official site for this ad campaign, Trojan Evolve, that is exactly the point. You never know who someone has been with, and with all these STD's out there, you have to take the necessary precautions. I know I will, once I get that far. :)

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